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Ellen Wilkinson
Primary School

Art & Design

How we ensure access for all:

We encourage all of our learners to do their very best and to enable this  we provide our children with the skills, experiences  and knowledge to become talented artists.  We encourage our  talented artists to   further develop their  skills in the Art Club and take part in art workshops across the borough.   In previous years, the Art Club has submitted high quality art pieces to the UEL Gallery, with some work being used for  promoting the Art Matters online  Gallery across the borough. 


How we develop cultural capital:

We  regularly visit galleries and exhibit  our learners' artwork at the Art Matters Gallery at the University of East London.  Each year, one year group works with a resident artist to develop and enhance their knowledge of global art and  how art has influenced the way in which people live. We discuss how art  communicates  and is a means of learning about art  and  artists  from different cultures. 

As part of our Religious Education curriculum we visit different places of worship  where the children  can observe the beauty  of religious buildings and artefacts. This is then interpreted by our learners into varying art forms  such as sculptures and paintings.  Many of these beautiful pieces of art have been entered into borough RE art competitions. 

How we know your child is succeeding:

  • Through  pupil discussion,  learners will talk enthusiastically  about their own and other artist's work using artistic vocabulary
  • Observations are  made  of  sketch books and completed pieces, that show a progression of  skills
  • Learners  discuss and critique their own artwork as well as the work of  local and global artists
  • Learners' artworks  are displayed and celebrated  at Ellen Wilkinson, and the  wider community

How you can support your child ?:

  • Encourage your child to take part in art activities at home such as creating art from recycled objects
  • Discuss  local and global artists and how they have influenced others 
  • Support your child with Home Learning Projects to further enhance their artistic skills
  • Encourage your child to draw the beauty in nature such as mini beasts, plants and flowers

Useful websites

Art Club 

The Art Club takes place  on Wednesday  at 3.30pm.

Art Matters Online Exhibition 










Subject Lead
Sudha Sreedharan