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Ellen Wilkinson
Primary School

Year 3

Chinese New Year Celebrations

As part of our MFL Curriculum, we were able to immerse ourselves in Chinese traditions by celebrating Chinese New Year. As usual, we welcomed our friends from the Confucius Institute, who put on a magnificent show for us. In addition to learning about the Chinese New Year in our Mandarin lessons, some year groups were able to take part in workshops for dance, calligraphy and martial arts. Year 3 took part in a dance workshop!

Quarter 2: Where does our food come from?

In Quarter 2, across Geography, DT and Science, Turtle & Lobster class learnt all about the different food groups and how globalisation has meant that we have access to a wide variety of foods each and every day! They explored different ingredients and where they are imported from. Using this knowledge, they researched and planned their own pizza toppings, using a variety of ingredients from across the globe. Our pupils not only got the chance to try different foods, but also created healthy menus based on their learning. Within this unit, year 3 makes direct comparisons with a part of the UK and another part of the world, namely Lyon in France. This allows our children to look wider at their immediate vicinity. They loved creating their own pizzas, and most importantly, eating them!

'I learnt about ways to different countries. I learnt which countries are North, South, East and West.' -Spencer, Turtle Class

'What I learnt is how you can get ingredients from different countries. Making pizzas is so much fun!' -Genesis, Turtle Class

'In geography I have learnt how to make pizzas and learnt about different countries and landmarks.' -Alisha, Turtle Class

'In DT, we made pizzas step-by-step and it was fun too!' - Robert, Turtle Class

Quarter 4: Rivers of Hope

In Quarter 4, year 3 will be working alongside an artist to create artwork focused on rivers. To support them in their learning for this topic, they visited a local docks, Cody Docks, and learnt about the movement of water. Within this, they are linking with a school in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to share their learning! The visit to Cody Docks tied in well with the 3-day workshop that year 3 took part in with the specialist artist, Fiona Grady. They learnt all about climate change and planned, created and discussed collages that aim to encourage people to take care of our world. These will be going in an exhibition later on in the year and some are currently on display in our lunch hall! 

Please see some fantastic examples of work below.


We have also been lucky enough to connect with Chefe Bulbula Primary School in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. They are also learning a similar topic, and we have shared some of our amazing artwork with them and recieved some from them. Please see some pictures of our friends in Ethiopia below! 

Quarter 3 Reading: Amazing Africa

In our daily reading sessions, Year 3 have been reading a book called Amazing Africa by Atinuke. 

Within these sessions, we have learned all about different countries in Africa and what they are most well known for! It has been fascinating to find out about new places across the world. Some of year 3 have even already visited some of the places they studied!