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Ellen Wilkinson
Primary School

International Week


On the week beginning April 15th 2024, we held our first International Week in many years! Each year group was allocated a country from a different year group, and spent the week immersing themselves in the culture and learning a song or dance to perform in our International Assembly. On the final day of our week, pupils and staff were invited to dress up in anything that represents their culture, whether this be traditional clothing, a sports kit, or their flag colours. It was amazing to see the diversity that we share across our school and the energy across the school was wonderful. Our week of learning culminated in a Community Event after school on Friday, consisting of a variety of stalls (henna, hair braiding, face painting), a 'pot-luck' style spread of foods from all over the world and a display of the range of homework projects that children completed about their culture. We extend our thanks once again to the staff, parents and families within the EWPS community for their generosity and enthusiasm, and for contributing their culinary expertise to this event. We look forward to continuing to make our International Week bigger and better each year! 


Guppy 1 and Guppy 2 have been learning about China. We learnt how to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in Mandarin, and even got the chance to make our own Chinese noodles from scratch!

Year 1

Clownfish and Lionfish have been learning all about Jamaica. We had the chance to taste some authentic Jamaican food, like plantain, ginger cake and coconut cake! We also learnt a song called

Tingalayo and made some masks inspired by Carnival!

Year 2

Jellyfish and Starfish have been learning about Romania. We learnt a song in Romanian, and also painted traditional eggs! We enjoyed learning all about traditional Romanian music, clothing, food and more! A big shout out to Ms Tiris for helping us learn lots about Romania this week!

Year 3

Turtle and Lobster class have been learning all about India. They got the chance to taste samosas and pani puri, learn about significant people in India, create some henna designs and learn a Bollywood dance! Thanks to Lavina who visited especially to choreograph the dance for us!

Year 4

Octopus and Seahorse have been learning about Turkey this week. We got to sample some traditional Turkish food like borek, hummus, olives and cheese. We also learnt a Turkish song!

Year 5

Stingray and Dolphin class have been learning all about Brazil. They were able to learn more about the rainforest, and had the chance to make traditional Brazilian biscuits! Thank you to Mrs Carneiro for helping to organise this. They also learnt a Samba dance to perform in assembly.

Year 6

Whale and Shark class have been learning all about Nigeria. They build on their existing knowledge from their unit about the ancient kingdom of Benin, and have learned a dance to perform in assembly!

Here's what our students had to say about the International Week...

'I think international day was fun because we got to taste Turkish food. My favourite was Turkish Delight because it was sweet and chewy!'- Markas, Seahorse Class (Year 4)

'International Day was awesome and I wish it could be every day! We got to try Turkish food and do a poster about Türkiye.' Matvii, Seahorse Class (Year 4)

'For International Day, we learnt how to a dance to a Nigerian song called 'Rush' by Ayra Starr' -Riad, Shark Class (Year 6)

'I enjoyed doing the Nigerian dance and also listening to the song that came with it!' - Keiaana, Shark Class (Year 6)

'I enjoyed watching the school perform a dance from the country they had been learning about. Also, I liked that we could dress up in the culture that we are from.' -Alan, Shark Class (Year 6) 

Parent/Community Feedback

We are always keen to hear your feedback. lease complete this survey to let us know what you thought about about the event: 

Some things our parents enjoyed about the event:

'I enjoyed the food, the activities for kids , my daughter was excited to have her hair done. To meet with other mothers. Was really nice! Thank you.'

'People coming together as a community'

'Opportunity to wear national clothes'

'Tasting different countries food and learning about their culture.'

'It's was fantastic.'

'I enjoyed getting information about other cultures and tasted different food.'

'The international dishes from across the world and the outfits worn by the students and staff.'

'I am happy that children had a chance to learn about other cultures and taste their food as well, especially when living in a multicultural place like London, where discrimination and misjudging can occur easily and frequently. The projects they created were amazing and I was grateful for the fact that we had a chance to taste food from all the world's corners.'

'The variety of food, kids work display'

We take on board all the really helpful feedback, and are looking forward to making the next event bigger and better next year!

International week highlights