Educational Visits At EWPS
School trips and visitors are an essential part of our curriculum at EWPS. They introduce new learning as well as putting existing knowledge into context; they enhance and inspire our children to continue to excel and open up a wider world of experience and understanding.
Types and Frequency of Educational Visits
Curriculum Visits & Visitors
We try to arrange that every child from years 1 to 6 has the opportunity to visit somewhere or have visitors and workshops come into school every quarter to support and enhance different areas of the curriculum. For younger children the venues are closer to the school, whilst older children may travel an additional distance which necessitates a coach. For children in EYFS visits are less frequent and more local due to the age of the children.
Sporting Events
We aim for all children in years 1 to 6 to participate in various sporting competitions with other schools during the course of the year. Some of these are mass participation events others involve training in relation to team selection.
Children in years 5 and 6 have the opportunity to attend a residential journey. This is to Fairplay House near Maldon where they have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities including: caving, climbing, abseiling, archery, high ropes, kayaking, orienteering, problem solving and zip wire to name but a few! Year 5 go for 3 days and 2 night, whilst year 6 go for 5 days and 4 nights.
Voluntary Contributions
We always try to keep the cost for visits and visitors to a minimum by prioritising venues close to the school, using London transport to reduce travel costs, working with our partners who sponsor and/or subsidise events and getting venues to visit us rather than us visit them.
However sometimes there is still a financial cost and we may request a voluntary contribution from parents. We always try to keep this to a minimum and ensure that these are spread out wherever possible. Please note the school subsidises EVERY visit before we approach parents/carers. In the past the school had greater flexibility to pick up any financial gaps from limited contributions, but unfortunately budget restraints mean that we are increasingly likely to have to cancel visits and visitors in future as we are unable to meet any shortfall. If you would like to spread any cost, please speak to the main office who are happy to support payment plans.
If you would like to find out more information please contact:
Janice Owen-Amadasun
Acting Headteacher