Winter News, Upcoming Events & Support at EWPS & Newham

News, Upcoming Events & Support
Mid-December Updates
Scarlet Fever & Strep A (Newham Info) & (What to look for!)
NHS Information on Scarlet fever (Click HERE)
Newham MONEY: 12 Ways to make the best of Christmas (Click HERE)
Start your journey towards finding a job (Click here)
Are you pregnant or a new mum and feeling low, anxious, alone? (Click HERE)
Childhood vaccinations information (Click here & Polio Info)
Free School Meals
Every primary school aged child attending school in Newham still has the opportunity to have a free school lunch even if their parents/carers are not in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits for free school meals.
Reasons to apply - free after school clubs and discounted trips
If your child is eligible for Free School Meals they will no longer pay for their after school clubs with us and any residential trips are offered at a discounted rate.
Extra funding for your child’s school too!
Whether your child is at primary school and receiving a free meal, has packed lunch or you are currently working, we request that the parents/carers of all primary and secondary aged children in Newham should still register for free school meals, even if you don’t think you are currently eligible. Once we have the application, if at any time a family is in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits for free school meals we will automatically update our records and their school will receive additional funding known as Ever6 Pupil Premium. This is up to £1,320 depending on the child’s age!
Please Click HERE to sign up.
Fun events around Newham During Winter
SEND Youth Clubs
Cost of Living and financial inflation
Please visit our Support For Parents page for more inflation from NEWHAM on how you can get support and who to contact.
Cost of living page (click HERE)
Housing (click HERE)