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Ellen Wilkinson
Primary School

Remote Learning Policy

1. Aims

This remote learning policy aims to:

  • Ensure consistency in the approach to remote learning for pupils who aren’t in school

  • Set out expectations for all members of the school community with regards to remote learning

  • Ensure the statutory obligations to provide remote education is met

  • Provide appropriate guidelines for data protection


2. Remote learning expectations  

The DfE states that “In developing their remote education, we expect schools to: 

  • teach a planned and well-sequenced curriculum so that knowledge and skills are built incrementally, with a good level of clarity about what is intended to be taught and practised in each subject so that pupils can progress through the school’s curriculum 

  • select a digital platform for remote education provision that will be used consistently across the school in order to allow interaction, assessment and feedback and make sure staff are trained and confident in its use. 

  • overcome barriers to digital access for pupils by: distributing school-owned laptops accompanied by a user agreement or contract, providing printed resources, such as textbooks and workbooks, to structure learning, supplemented with other forms of communication to keep pupils on track or answer questions about work. 

  • It may also be that some pupils who have difficulty engaging in remote education may be considered to be vulnerable children, and therefore eligible to attend provision in person. As outlined in the guidance, this is a decision based on local discretion and the needs of the child and their family, as well as a wide range of other factors. 

  • have systems for checking, daily, whether pupils are engaging with their work, and work with families to rapidly identify effective solutions where engagement is a concern. 

  • identify a named senior leader with overarching responsibility for the quality and delivery of remote education, including that provision meets expectations for remote education 

  • publish information for pupils, parents and carers about their remote education provision on their website by 25 January 2021 – an optional template is available to support schools with this expectation 


When teaching pupils remotely, we expect schools to: 

  • set meaningful and ambitious work each day in an appropriate range of subjects 

  • provide teaching that is equivalent in length to the core teaching pupils would receive in school. This will include both recorded or live direct teaching time and time for pupils to complete tasks and assignments independently, and will be as a minimum: 

  • Key Stage 1: 3 hours a day on average across the cohort, with less for younger children 

  • Key Stage 2: 4 hours a day 

  • Key Stages 3 and 4: 5 hours a day 

  • Consider how to transfer into remote education what we already know about effective teaching in the live classroom by, for example: 

  • providing frequent, clear explanations of new content, delivered by a teacher or through high-quality curriculum resources 

  • providing opportunities for interactivity, including questioning, eliciting and reflective discussion 

  • providing scaffolded practice and opportunities to apply new knowledge 

  • enabling pupils to receive timely and frequent feedback on how to progress, using digitally-facilitated or whole-class feedback where appropriate 

  • using assessment to ensure teaching is responsive to pupils’ needs and addresses any critical gaps in pupils’ knowledge 

  • avoiding an over-reliance on long-term projects or internet research activities 


We expect schools to consider these expectations in relation to the pupils’ age, stage of development or special educational needs, for example where this would place significant demands on parents’ help or support. 

Younger children in Key Stage 1 or Reception often require high levels of parental involvement to support their engagement with remote education, which makes digital provision a particular challenge for this age group. We therefore do not expect that solely digital means will be used to teach these pupils remotely. 

We also recognise that some pupils with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) may not be able to access remote education without adult support and so expect schools to work with families to deliver an ambitious curriculum appropriate for their level of need.”

(DFE: Restricting attendance during the national lockdown: schools)


3. Scope of policy

This policy is actioned in four specific circumstances.

3.1 An individual child or family are self-isolating

  • Once the school has been informed the admin team will notify a member of SLT to agree for remote education to be provided.

  • Parents will then be phoned/text/emailed the prepared information for their child to access remote education.

  • This will be through using Zoom to access the direct teaching taking place in class.

  • Children are expected to submit their work online using Google Classrooms or share it with their teachers through daily contact meets, if this level of IT connectivity cannot be supported.

3.2 A class, year group or area bubble is isolating

  • Once advice has been received that a bubble should isolate the parents will then be phoned/text/emailed the prepared information for their child to access remote education.

  • Children will use Zoom to access the direct teaching,(see timetable below).



9:00 - 9:15

Reading/phonics input

9:15 - 9:30

Reading/phonics task

9:30 -10:00

English input

10:00 -10:30

English task 


Break time

10:45 - 11:15

Maths input

11:15 - 12:00

Maths task




Foundation subject input


  • In order to limit screen time, the afternoon session will end at  2:15pm. Children will then be required to complete a task that has been set by their class teacher. Teachers and teaching assistants will remain on Zoom until 3pm so that they are available to support the children with the task or any other tasks that have been set on Google classrooms that day.

  • In circumstances where live delivery of lessons is not possible, pre-recorded teaching will be made available.

3.3 The school is closed due to local or national lockdown procedures

  • Once a lockdown has been initiated, learning for the vast majority of pupils will move online.

  • Parents will then be phoned/text/emailed the prepared information for their child to access remote education.

  • This will be through using Zoom to access the direct teaching (see timetable above).

  • Support books will also be provided where necessary.

  • Children are expected to submit their work online using Google Classrooms, share it with their teachers whilst online or email it to their year group’s mailbox. 

  • Key worker & vulnerable pupils will operate on site but access the same remote learning that children at home access unless SEND prohibits this.

  • Access to devices will be provided onsite by the school.

3.4 The school experiences a one off closure

  • Due to the difficulty many of our families experience with digital poverty it is not practical for sufficient devices to be issued for a solitary day to access live learning.

  • Therefore in these circumstances work will be set that does not require access to live learning.

  • This will then be followed up in school the following day.


4. Specific Issues

There are a number of specific issues that have been considered as part of our Remote Learning Approach.

4.1 Access to IT 

  • If there are difficulties in relation to access to devices, measures will be put into place to lend appropriate equipment to the family from the school where possible. Access to hard copy support books will also be provided.

  • The requirement to still make contact daily with a teacher remains so that appropriate feedback and guidance can be provided.

4.2 SEND

  • Online remote learning may not be suitable for many of our children with additional needs. In these case hard copy work packs have been provided and arrangements put into place for daily contact with a teaching member of staff to support families in delivery in this aspect

  • Links will be facilitated with Local Authority SEN Specialists and parents as needed.

  • SEN review meetings and annual reviews are facilitated. 

4.3 Early Years

  • Daily phonic, story and maths sessions will take place in the event of a bubble or school lockdown. These may be pre-recorded.

  • A weekly learning overview will also be provided with suggested activities for parents to complete at home with their child. Hard copy resource packs to support learning will also be provided where needed.

  • Feedback can be provided via Evidence Me.

4.4 Key worker and vulnerable groups

  • In the event of a local or national lockdown pupils within this group will be able to access on site provision where adult supervision and devices to access online learning will be provided.

  • Please note vulnerable groups may also include children with SEND 1:1 support.

  • These groups have been pre-identified through a questionnaire attached to the contact update form. 


5. Roles and responsibilities

5.1 Teachers

When providing remote learning, teachers must be available between 8.30 am and 3.30 pm. On Mondays this would be extended to 4.30 pm

If they’re unable to work for any reason during this time, for example due to sickness or caring for a dependent, they should report this using the normal absence procedure. Please see the General Information Handbook for details.

When providing remote learning, teachers are responsible for:

  • Setting work 

  • Providing Reading, English, and Maths in line with the curriculum map

  • Minimum of 1 non-core subject 

  • Work should be uploaded onto the Google shared drive

  • Individual needs should be catered for, including the deployment of support staff in breakout rooms as required

  • Ensure that work is in place for children who do not have devices available at home (this may include use of CGP books)

  • Staff within the year group should continue to liaise virtually to support planning and delivery

  • PPA provision will continue as previously.

  • Providing feedback on work

  • Review submitted work and provide comments, as appropriate, via Google Classroom

  • Feedback should be given within 1 day of the task submission deadline

  • Keeping in touch with pupils who are not in school and their parents:

  • Maintain a register of attendance/work submission

  • Where a child has not logged on to Zoom/Google Classroom, or submitted work, contact the SLT link who will arrange for the family to be contacted.

  • Children not working via Google Classroom will have contact via telephone to support them and encourage them to complete their work. Work can be photographed and emailed to the year group email account.

  • Year group emails must be checked daily and queries responded to within 1 working day

  • Complaints shared by parents and pupils must be raised with a member of the leadership team.

  • Where a concern is raised by a child at the check in – the class teacher should inform a member of the pastoral staff, or their line manager, who will complete a welfare phone call

  • Safeguarding concerns should be logged on Safeguard Software. 

  • Attending virtual meetings with staff, parents and pupils 

  • Ensure a suitable dress code is in place and expected by all parties

  • Ensure privacy when in a call or video conference, as much as possible to safeguard children

  • Remind children about online safety and privacy settings. Remind about core values and respect at all times

  • Please try to use areas which are background neutral and that do not have background noise.

  • Further guidance is supplied in the General Information Handbook

Float staff will continue to provide PPA and or absence cover remotely. SLT will represent teaching staff on site for vulnerable and key worker groups. 

5.2 Teaching assistants

When assisting with remote learning, teaching assistants must be available between 8.30 am and 3.30 pm. On Mondays this would be extended to 4.30 pm.

If they’re unable to work for any reason during this time, for example due to sickness or caring for a dependent, they should report this using the normal absence procedure. Please see the General Information Handbook for details.

When assisting with remote learning, teaching assistants are responsible for:

  • Supporting pupils who aren’t in school with learning remotely this will include the use of break out rooms so that support can be targeted.

  • Pupils to support will be identified via the direction of the class teacher and or SENCO

  • In the event of a whole cohort lockdown key worker and vulnerable children provision will operate on site. Therefore the majority of support staff will be deployed to support children accessing remote learning on site.

  •  Affected teaching assistants will be allocated responsibilities by the Deputy Head/SENCO

5.3 Curriculum Leader Team (CLT)

Alongside their teaching responsibilities, subject leads are responsible for:

  • Considering whether any aspects of the subject curriculum need to change to accommodate remote learning

  • Working with teachers teaching their subject remotely to make sure all work set is appropriate and consistent

  • Working with other subject leads and senior leaders to make sure work set remotely across all subjects is appropriate and consistent, and deadlines are being set an appropriate distance away from each other

  • Monitoring the remote work set by teachers in their subject – explain how they’ll do this, such as through regular meetings with teachers or by reviewing work set

  • Alerting teachers to resources they can use to teach their subject remotely

5.4 Senior Leadership Team (SLT) including SENCO

Alongside any teaching responsibilities, senior leaders are responsible for:

  • Co-ordinating the remote learning approach across the school 

  • Monitoring the effectiveness of remote learning through regular meetings & feedback with teachers and subject leaders, reviewing work set and feedback from pupils and parents

  • Monitoring the security of remote learning systems, including data protection and safeguarding considerations

  • Supporting with any communication issues between staff and the parents

  • Addressing any safeguarding and/or behaviour issues

  • SENCO will ensure appropriate provision including hard copy packs and support are in place. With onsite SEND provision the SENCO will ensure appropriate 1:1 support is in place for children with EHCP / HNF.

5.5 Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

The DSL is responsible for:

  • Identifying the most vulnerable children in school and ensuring additional safeguarding measures and access to education are in place

  • Update and manage access to child protection files, where necessary

  • Liaise with children’s social workers where they need access to children in need and/or to carry out statutory assessments

  • Lead responsibility for managing child protection referrals

  • Safeguarding training and raising awareness of all child protection policies and procedures 

  • Source of advice and support to other staff on child protection matters

  • Ensuring that timely referrals to Newham Triage Team are made in accordance with current London Child Protection Procedures.

  • Working with the local authority and other agencies as required. 

  • If for any reason the Designated Safeguarding Lead is unavailable, the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead will act in their absence.  

  • Supporting effective deployment of the Safeguarding Team in order to support the safety and well-being of children.

5.6 Pastoral and Administration Staff (including the Attendance Officer) 

  • The DSL will coordinate any welfare concerns raised during remote learning – this may be from daily check ins, concerns raised via safeguard software or alerts from external professionals 

  • The pastoral team will seek contact with any children who are not engaging after a day, with remote learning – initially by a telephone call and text. 

  • If there is still no contact with families members of the pastoral team will undertake a door stop home visit 

  • During normal operation, the attendance in lead that day, will populate a daily list of children are self-isolating, by no later than midday (12.00 p.m.) and share with AHT/remote leader who will then organise remote learning. 

  • AHT remote leader will add details onto the tracking information so that all areas of the remote policy can be upheld

  • Upon notification of a child or family self-isolating, guidance will be issued as to how families can access learning. This will be shared via email, website referral or hard copy.

  • Date of self-isolation will be added to a calendar so that the return date can be added and tracked to ensure actual return is appropriate

5.7 Network Manager

The Network Manager is responsible for:

  • Fixing issues with systems used to set and collect work

  • Helping staff with any technical issues they’re experiencing

  • Advising staff on how to support parents with any technical issues

  • Reviewing the security of remote learning systems and flagging any data protection breaches to the data protection officer

  • Providing guidance for  pupils and parents with accessing the internet or devices

5.8 Pupils and parents (shared through the Home Learning Contract (see Appendix 1)

Staff can expect pupils learning remotely to:

  • Remember to follow our school rules and values at all times.

  • Listen to and carefully follow the instructions of adults.

  • Use proper online conduct, such as using appropriate language and following all online safety expectations.

  • Be on time for the virtual meetings (Google meets/Zoom) and be ready with any necessary materials they may need. 

  • Complete tasks set to them on Google classroom and during virtual lessons by the deadline given

  • Seek help from the teacher or teaching assistant, if they need support with their learning.

  • Alert teachers if they’re not able to complete work


Staff can expect parents with children learning remotely to:

  • Make sure their child attends the virtual lessons every day, Monday to Friday – on time. If there is a reason their child cannot attend, for example, they are not feeling well, they will inform the school in the usual way. 

  • Ensure that their child completes the learning set for them on Google classrooms.

  • Try their best to provide a workspace that is safe, quiet and free from distractions, with an adult nearby where necessary. 

  • Remind their child that the same level of behaviour and conduct applies as if they were in school.

  • Ensure their child is dressed appropriately for the virtual lesson.

  • Ensure they or their child do not record or take pictures of any virtual lessons or sessions they attend.

  • Ensure that they or their child seeks help from teachers, if needed. This includes letting teachers know if they are unable to complete work or access the learning.

  • Be respectful when making any complaints or concerns known to staff

5.9 Governing Body

The governing body is responsible for:

  • Monitoring the school’s approach to providing remote learning to ensure education remains as high quality as possible

  • Ensuring that staff are certain that remote learning systems are appropriately secure, for both data protection and safeguarding reasons


6. Who to contact

If staff have any questions or concerns about remote learning, they should contact the following individuals:

  • Issues in setting work – talk to the relevant subject lead or SENCO

  • Issues with behaviour – talk to the SLT link

  • Issues with IT – talk to Network Manager

  • Issues with their own workload or wellbeing – talk to their line manager and/or SLT link

  • Concerns about data protection – talk to the Headteacher

  • Concerns about safeguarding – talk to the DSL


7. Data protection

7.1 Accessing personal data

When accessing personal data for remote learning purposes, all staff members will:

  • RM Unify should be used to access data

  • School provided devices should be used to access agreed data unless specific permission has been agreed by the HT for a personal device to be used.

7.2 Processing personal data

Staff members may need to collect and/or share personal data such as email addresses as part of the remote learning system. As long as this processing is necessary for the school’s official functions, individuals won’t need to give permission for this to happen.

However, staff are reminded to collect and/or share as little personal data as possible online.

7.3 Keeping devices secure

All staff members will take appropriate steps to ensure their devices remain secure. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Keeping the device password-protected – strong passwords are at least 8 characters, with a combination of upper and lower-case letters, numbers and special characters (e.g. asterisk or currency symbol)

  • Ensuring the hard drive is encrypted – this means if the device is lost or stolen, no one can access the files stored on the hard drive by attaching it to a new device

  • Making sure the device locks if left inactive for a period of time

  • Not sharing the device among family or friends

  • Installing antivirus and anti-spyware software

  • Keeping operating systems up to date – always install the latest updates

  • Please see agreement and 


8. Safeguarding

The current Child Protection & Safeguarding policy should continue to be followed at all times. Please particularly note the COVID addendum and ensure that this is followed when working remotely.


8.1 Staff Conduct supporting virtual meetings 

We expect staff to refer to the staff code of conduct policy. In addition some further points to consider when working in a virtual situation: 

  • Consider background noises (ensure a quiet place and mute when needed to ensure other conversations are not heard) 

  • Ensure the location is suitable –

  • Ensure a suitable dress code is in place and expected by all pupils 

  • Ensure privacy when in a call or video conference, as much as possible to safeguard children 

  • Remind children about online safety and privacy settings. 

  • Remind about core values and respect at all times 

8.2 FSM and Vulnerable children 

Children will be monitored carefully so that if they are indicated as being a pupil premium additional support is in place and discussions are in place to ensure that meals are in place as they would be in school hours.


9. Monitoring arrangements

This policy will be reviewed termly by the Senior Leadership Team At every review, it will be approved by the Governing Body Curriculum & Standards Committee


10. Links with other policies

This policy is linked to our:

  • Positive Behaviour policy (including COVID addendum)

  • Child protection and Safeguarding policy (including COVID addendum)

  • E-Safety & Security policy

  • GDPR Compliance policy

  • Remote learning agreement

  • Internet acceptable use agreement

  • Whistleblowing policy