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Ellen Wilkinson
Primary School

Ofsted Reports

We had an extremely successful Ofsted Inspection in March 2023. Listed below are some of the things that were said about our provision. Alternatively, read our full report by clicking here.

“Pupils in this school feel part of a caring community. They enjoy coming to school and they love to learn. Pupils are keen to make a positive contribution to the school through their roles as ambassadors and house captains. They are proud to help and support younger pupils.”

“Leaders’ expectations are high. They want all pupils to grow and succeed in their learning together, from the early years to Year 6. Leaders are ambitious for all pupils in the school. From the start of early years, leaders make sure that staff teach the key knowledge that children need to know to be ready for Year 1 and beyond.”

“Across the school, pupils relish their learning. They particularly enjoy their lessons in mathematics and English, as well as answering ‘big questions’ in subjects like computing and history.”

“Leaders give careful thought to the knowledge that they want pupils to know and remember. They also consider the best order to teach this knowledge”

“Pupils learn to read with confidence. Leaders have made reading a priority and teachers read to pupils daily. They do this with enthusiasm, fostering pupils’ imagination and love of stories. Pupils quickly learn the letters and sounds that they need to read words accurately. They practise using what they know regularly in class, building their reading skills successfully.”

“Pupils behave well. Leaders expect pupils to follow instructions, show good manners and be kind to everyone. “

“Pupils are keen to become leaders and contribute to decisions made in school, for example via the junior governing body. There is a wide range of after-school activities on offer to pupils. “

“Leaders have developed a strong safeguarding team within the school. These staff are well trained and knowledgeable about the potential risks facing pupils.”

“Staff enjoy working in the school and value the input they receive as part of their personalised programmes of professional development.”

“Governors know the school well. They visit regularly and support and challenge leaders effectively.”

Our next steps

The next steps identified in our report were:

“Leaders should be clear what subject knowledge they want pupils to know and remember and identify more quickly when pupils have not learned this knowledge securely.”

“Leaders need to ensure that all stages of the phonics programme are suitably resourced so that reading books fully align with pupils’ phonics knowledge.”