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Ellen Wilkinson
Primary School

Ofsted Report


Please feel free to read our Ofsted report below. We were most recently inspected in January 2023 and were graded “Good” in all areas.

“Children are very happy and settled at Little Ellies. They benefit greatly from the warm and trusting relationships with staff. Children are enthusiastic when they arrive and show that they feel safe, secure and ready to learn. They are keen to explore their surroundings and enjoy participating in activities with staff. Children focus well and sustain their interest for extended amounts of time.”

“Managers and staff have high expectations for what children can achieve. Children are encouraged to be independent from an early age. Consequently, older children are confident about what they can do and demonstrate a good range of skills in preparation for starting school.”

“The nursery resources reflect the diversity of children and staff, and they celebrate a wide range of multicultural events throughout the year. This helps children to understand and respect their differences.”

“Staff have a good understanding of children's individual needs and interests. They monitor children's progress closely and support their next steps in learning well.“

“Staff want all children to develop a love of books. They carefully choose stories, which are relevant to children ages, experiences and interests. “

“Children thrive in an emotionally warm and supportive environment. They play happily alongside each other and develop good friendships with their peers.”

“Parents praise the staff highly and describe how much their children look forward to attending. They enjoy the opportunities to participate in their children's learning through events, such as outings and stay-and play-sessions. Parents appreciate how well staff help them to support children's learning at home.”

“Managers and staff have a secure understanding of their safeguarding roles. They complete regular training and are clear about the signs of abuse and neglect. They understand the actions they must take to address any safeguarding concerns, including any allegations about adults working with children. Managers are strong advocates for children and families that require additional help.”