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Ellen Wilkinson
Primary School

Sports Premium


Ellen Wilkinson received the sum of £19,430 through the PE and Sports grant in the academic year 2023-2024. 


The pupils of Ellen Wilkinson benefit a great deal from receiving this high quality teaching and coaching. The sports coaches work alongside teachers in developing children’s sporting ability as well as encouraging pupils to foster good sporting attitudes and a healthy lifestyle. As a result, pupil outcomes have improved in attainment and skills across a range of sporting activities, ranging from invasive games to dance and athletics.

Not only have pupils expressed great enjoyment from taking part in their PE lesson, they are also demonstrating satisfaction in using these skills and knowledge to compete in sporting competitions against other local schools. Participation and success in these sporting competitions has increased since having the support from coaches.

The deployment of sports coaches has also meant that EWPS teachers are benefiting from working alongside colleagues with expert knowledge in specific fields. This has been a great opportunity for staff professional development, and raising their skills levels and confidence in teaching PE. Ultimately this means staff will be better equipped and more highly skilled to ensure this improvement to pupil outcomes is sustained over time.

Competition & Sports Participation

Part of the sports premium is also used towards participation in the Newham Sports Partnership. This enables pupils to participate in a range of sporting competitions across age groups & disciplines against other schools.  This has included: football, athletics, mini Olympics, tri-golf, mini tennis, archery, basketball and much more. The partnership has also provided a network for PE leaders, training for our staff and additional after school clubs in new sports such as archery.