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Ellen Wilkinson
Primary School


How we teach Maths:

Here at Ellen Wilkinson Primary School, we follow the Collins Busy Ants Mathematics scheme of work. Topics are taught and revisited several times over the course of the year to ensure consolidation and mastery are achieved. We aim to challenge all pupils to achieve to the best of their abilities. This is a cohesive programme of study that ensures progression and mastery in Mathematics. There are many opportunities for application of skills to real life contexts in order to ensure fluency in reasoning. We also explicitly teach arithmetic skills.

How we ensure access for all:

At school we ensure that there is access for all in the classroom through support, resources, visual aids, interventions and activities. We provide students with Collins support tasks and stretch and challenge activities to support and challenge children of all abilities. The tasks set in the scheme increase in difficulty, which benefits the children in finding an appropriate starting point for them. 

How we develop cultural capital:

Cultural capital provides children with a varied and broad curriculum, which prepares them for the world.  EWPS ensures that we provide our children with learning opportunities and experiences that enable them to succeed academically and engage in wider society. To expand children’s horizons and see how maths is inextricably linked across many subjects, our curriculum aims to use cross curricular links with DT, science and computing to enhance mathematical thinking and understanding.

How we know your child is succeeding:

Throughout every Mathematics lesson, we use a range of assessment for learning strategies to check children’s understanding and quickly identify any misconceptions. These are then targeted through in class support and additional support outside of class. At the end of each lesson, teachers assess whether or not the children have met the learning focus for the lesson and this feeds in to future planning and intervention. Children are formally assessed four times a year, whereby teachers track whether or not they are on target to meet the age-related expectations for their year group.  In addition, a number of assessment tasks take place, which informs teachers’ judgements.

How you can support your child:

Be positive about maths. Challenge your children mathematically in their everyday life. Point out the maths in everyday life. Include your child in activities involving numbers and measuring, such as shopping, cooking and travelling. Read through the curriculum overviews to know the topics your child may learn about in the coming year. Use the tracking back and forward documents to know how to support your child if they have fallen behind or are preparing for the next year.

Maths tips:

  • Check their understanding of the basics.
  • Help you children recognise number bonds.
  • Help them get started with division and multiplication.
  • Cultivate accuracy as a habit in year 3, e.g measuring using a ruler accurately.
  • Practice times tables every day.
  • Challenge your child with maths at home e.g add up the total of the shopping cost.
  • Use written strategies to add and subtract large numbers.
  • Get your child familiar with 3D shape names.
  • Challenge your child with fractions.
  • Use negative numbers in context.
  • Get your children to always read the time.
  • Challenge your child with maths at home e.g. how long different routes take to get to the same place.
  • De-mystify the relationship between fractions decimals and percentages.
  • Teach them how to use a protractor
  • Practice taking tests in a fun way and don’t worry about them getting it wrong- it is only the first step to in plunging knowledge gaps and growing.
  • Never neglect basic maths. 

Curriculum map and key documents

Maths Overview Foundation
Maths Overview Year 1
Maths Overview Year 2
Maths Overview Year 3
Maths Overview Year 4
Maths Overview Year 5
Maths Overview Year 6

Maths Calculation Policy

Tracking back and forward documents

Tracking back and forward Year 1

Tracking back andforward year 2

Tracking back and forward year 3

Tracking back and forward year 4

Tracking back and forward year 5

Tracking back and forward year 6


If you would like to find out more information please contact:

Subject Lead
Abdul Hanif